Thursday, December 31, 2009

oh yeah... it was Rizal Day

December 30 was Rizal Day. The day our National Hero was executed via firing squad. And No... not with paintballs but with real live lead bullets.

This could be a quite controversial blog post? oh well...

(DiSCLAIMER: No offense to our National Hero, just a rhetoric discussion of an alternate history)

Top 10 Reasons Why I think the Philippines could have been better off without Jose Rizal:
(If only the Spaniards ruled just a 'lil bit longer in Philippine history)

  1. Almost all Filipinos will actually be Spaniards. How hot!
  2. Majority of Filipinos will speak Spanish. Dios Mio!
  3. Filipinos will be Europeans.
  4. Japanese and Americans wouldn't have had the chance to abuse our resources and women.
  5. Better education for our people. Less chances of illiteracy.
  6. The Revolution would have sufficed anyways in keeping the Kastilas in check.
  7. Less graft and corruption in the government due to better education of the masses.
  8. No artistas will even attampt to try their luck in politics. The Spanish friars would have beheaded them or raped them or both.
  9. College students can better focus on their field of study since they don't have to study JP Rizal as a required elective in school.
  10. Highschool students don't have to gnash their teeth and pull their hair when reading and trying to understand Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.

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